Silicon Valley Democratic Club (SVDC)

formerly known as the Santa Clara County Democratic Club (SCCDC)

  • Wed, April 05, 2023 2:37 PM | LezLi Logan (Administrator)

    Silicon Valley Democratic Club Board of Directors
    Endorses SB 525 (Durazo) $25 Minimum Wage for Healthcare Workers

    The Silicon Valley Democratic Club Board of Directors is pleased to support SB 525 (Durazo), the $25 Minimum Wage for Healthcare Workers, because we urgently need to address the healthcare staffing shortage in our community and our state.

    Even before the pandemic, California faced a shortage of 500,000 healthcare workers needed to care for our aging population. After facing the trauma and dangerous working conditions of the pandemic and now struggling with low pay and poor working conditions while the cost of living skyrockets, healthcare workers are leaving the field and many others are thinking about it: 31% report that they are considering leaving the profession altogether.

    Workers are reporting the hospitals they work in are understaffed and that it’s hurting patient care quality and resulting in longer wait times and delays in care. Patients in our community experience delays in receiving care. In short, California is facing a full-blown patient care crisis that we need to address immediately.

    It’s time to invest in healthcare workers to improve staffing and patient care. Raising the minimum wage for all healthcare workers statewide will help our medical facilities retain staff who were considering leaving. Higher wages will also help attract more workers, bolstering efforts to fill our huge shortage of healthcare workers.

    We ask you to join us to support SB 525 to support our state’s healthcare workers and to ensure that we have the staffing needed to care for all the residents of our great state.

  • Mon, March 21, 2022 9:00 PM | LezLi Logan (Administrator)

    Cindy Chavez for San José Mayor

    The primary is coming up soon on June 7th, with early voting starting on May 10th. The campaign is  looking for volunteers to help phone bank and canvass from the office located at 1357 Lincoln Ave, San José, which is open Monday - Sunday, 9am - 9pm.

  • Mon, March 21, 2022 8:31 PM | LezLi Logan (Administrator)

    Rosemary Kamei for San José City Council (D1)

    The Kamei campaign invites you to volunteer and join the grassroots campaign.  Your involvement will make a huge impact on San José.  You can sign up on the website.

  • Mon, March 21, 2022 8:30 PM | LezLi Logan (Administrator)

    Peter Ortiz for San Jos City Council (D5)

    Join the movement to elect Peter Ortiz to San José City Council to bring positive change to East San José.  Sign up on the website.

Silicon Valley Democratic Club™
FPPC ID# 1288723  •  FEC ID# C00419028 

Attn: Silicon Valley Democratic Club  •  2901 Moorpark Avenue, Suite 110  •  San Jose, CA 95128

Contributions or gifts to Silicon Valley Democratic Club are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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